TransWS - Translation Web Service

This project is intended to provide a repository for the development of the Translation Web Service (Trans-WS) OASIS specification. The SourceForge project is intended primarily to be of benefit to other members of the TransWS TC, as well as other interested parties.

From the TransWS charter:

The purpose of this TC is to define industry standard business process terminology for service types that are relevent to the software/content localisation and translation industry; this terminology will then drive the development of an industry standard WSDL file and UDDI business service entries.

Specifially, we will host the WSDL here, while it is being developed, as well as a sample TransWS web service and web service client. Both the web service and web service client are being developed in Java on WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) v5, and run on WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v5.0.2. While it should be fairly straightforward to modify the code presented to run in different environments, that is not presently on the agenda of this project (although may be at some point in the future).